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Topic: charcoal filter  (Read 5249 times)

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Offline galle89

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charcoal filter
« on: March 14, 2017, 11:22:32 AM »
Hello Guys

I have a question about charcoal. Can charcoal filtering for example CuSO4 from a copper sulfat solution?

For example when I press it whit vacuum through a self made charcoal filter.

I think about to pipes. And in the middle is a section whit charcoal between to holeplates and filtermaterial, witch hold the charcoal in position.

Can this set up work? Or maybe other ideas?


Offline Arkcon

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Re: charcoal filter
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2017, 11:48:56 AM »
Sorry.  I recognize we're facing a language barrier, but you're going to have to do better.  Your posts leave out words and explanations.  No one can help you, and you won't even know what the problem is.

Hello Guys

I have a question about charcoal.


Can charcoal

Question about charcoal.


Verb, to filter, act of filtering, something you will do.

for example

Example of what task?

CuSO4 from a copper sulfat solution?

CuSO4, the chemical formula for copper sulfate, from copper sulfate, the words for copper sulfate.

No one can help you with this statement.  There are too many guesses we have to make, and then you will call us all dummkopf who only pretend to know what's going on.

For example when I press it whit vacuum through a self made charcoal filter.

A process you intend to perform.  What do you expect the equipment and reagent to do, when you preform these actions?

I think about to pipes.

Explain more fully.  Add more words describing the process and procedure, so we can guess better what you mean.

And in the middle is a section whit charcoal between to holeplates and filtermaterial, witch hold the charcoal in position.

OK, you're building a filter rig.  That's easy to understand, but why?

Can this set up work? Or maybe other ideas?

We can't teach you everything one posting at time.  Are you trying to get copper metal, or dry copper sulfate by filtering?  That is against all chemistry, and will not work, no matter how many tubes or carbon (homemade) you add.  So your plan may not work at all.

What have you done before that is like this, and how did it work?  See, we can help you with this sort of question, even with the language barrier.  If you came up with a random procedure without any knowledge at all, then we can't help no matter what.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

Offline silverz89

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Re: charcoal filter
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2017, 01:13:39 PM »
Sounds like you are trying to remove a contaminating precipitate from a solution like water. You might be able to buy an empty filter cartridge and fill it up with your home made charcoal. Then you can put this cartridge into a filter housing and pump the water through. This will probably save you a lot of time and headaches compared with trying to come up with a cartridge and housing yourself. But there are also ways to build your own by drilling an outlet hole and placing a screen in the bottom of a larger capped on bottom pipe. fill with filter media, and then pour in the water into the top to percolate down.

If you are trying to recover the cuso4, i would not recommend charcoal filtration. if you are trying to remove it though, a multi stage filter that includes charcoal should work. just keep in mind that depending on the distance that the solution has to flow through the filter media, and also how much solids are in the solution, you may need to overcome some flow resistance (might need a pump and vessel that can handle some pressure).

cheers, hope this hleps

Offline Babcock_Hall

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Re: charcoal filter
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2017, 03:47:05 PM »
Charcoal is effective at removing non polar, especially planar molecules from water.  Copper sulfate could be removed by ion exchange.

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