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Topic: fuel cell membranes...  (Read 8772 times)

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fuel cell membranes...
« on: June 27, 2006, 03:24:49 PM »
hello people... its been quite a long time since i have posted anything..

I just wanted to know if any of you knew of any sites or books or anything really that can help me in making membranes and testing them... i am currently doing my internship at FIU (Florida International Univ.) on fuel cells and they told me to go online and look for information about membranes to eventually test them against humidity, temperature, and applying the use of different membranes...

I will be looking for the information but maybe someone has investigated this field to some extent and can help me out...
thanks for all the help in advanced..
-daniel garcia
currently a student attending high school in South Florida, capital of all the hurricanes that come through the US, and the sunshine state.  My interests falls into electrochemistry going to renewable resources of energy, i like hydrogen fuel cells and solar energy

Offline buckminsterfullerene

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Re: fuel cell membranes...
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2006, 01:57:43 PM »
hey people.... well i do not need information about membranes in general, the mentor wants me to look for a PBI fuel cell... the purpose to this is that this membrane can supposedly reach higher temperatures while in operation, if this is so then a fuel cell system would not need to be so focused on cooling down, which would require large systems placed in cars and the such to have a very large base in order to cool faster.

So does anyone know where can i get PBI membranes, or find information about ethanol fuel cells??

thanks in advanced your help is appreciated...
currently a student attending high school in South Florida, capital of all the hurricanes that come through the US, and the sunshine state.  My interests falls into electrochemistry going to renewable resources of energy, i like hydrogen fuel cells and solar energy

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