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Topic: 58S Bioglass / Solgel Method Help  (Read 3917 times)

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58S Bioglass / Solgel Method Help
« on: October 16, 2018, 10:18:00 PM »
Hey just wondering if anyone has any experience with synthesising 58S bioglass as I'm running into the same problem each time I try. When I'm adding the CaN to the H2O, HCl, TEOS and TEP solution it solidifies to a waxy consistency before I've even added about a tenth of it. I've tried adding the CaN very slowly, or adding more HCl at the beginning etc . I have to synthesise the bioglass for a research project I'm doing as part of my integrated masters degree but I've not studied chemistry or done any chemistry experiments since high school so am pretty lost (I am studying Biomedical Engineering). Any help or pointers welcome, even as to what could be causing it to solidify like this!

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