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Topic: Why don't I see the Monte Carlo Simulation option in Sorption Task Section?  (Read 2679 times)

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Why don't I see the Monte Carlo simulation option for an adsorption simulation in fixed pressure process?

I am trying to do an adsorption work. I like to use Monte-Carlo simulation in fixed pressure process. I am using a porous material to adsorb H2 gas. In the stings tab after the selection of the Fixed Pressure Task, I couldn't see the Monte Carlo method in Method drop-down Menu. I just only see the Metropolis and Configurational Bias. But Tutorial says, I can select the Monte-Carlo method from here. Is there any suggestion? or am I not in the correct direction? Please help me.
Keshab K. Adhikary
Center for Environment and Energy Research
Ghent University Global Campus
Yeonsu-Gu, Incheon; S. Korea

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