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Topic: SRP Experiment Ideas  (Read 1334 times)

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Offline zainab

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SRP Experiment Ideas
« on: April 21, 2019, 11:55:05 PM »
Hey guys, I have to come up with an experiment that is suitable for a grade 10 or higher level, that has both a quantitative independent variable and a quantitative dependant variable.
What I have so far is ‘the effect of salinity on surface temperature’

Basically what I’m looking for is help finding a new idea (that fits the above info). I’ve searched everywhere and I can’t find anything  :-[ I’m really stressing out and would very much appreciate any ideas or suggestions!

Offline Enthalpy

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Re: SRP Experiment Ideas
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2019, 04:21:16 AM »
Welcome, Zainab!

Take a handful of straight alkanes, freeze them in liquid nitrogen, measure the densities, check if any even-odd effect

Fill a hot-water bottle with a paraffin instead, melt it
compare the heat amounts if possible.

Find electrically conductive ink (costs a bit), draw a line on an insulating foil, measure the resistance (it's low, not trivial), deform the foil and observe if the resistance is reliable. Hammer the line, check if the resistance gets more reliable

I suppose "grade 10" is three years before A-level?
I don't know what are "quantitative independent variable" and "quantitative dependant variable". Possibly the foreign language, or educational jargon.

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