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Topic: what ppe should I wear with piranha solution  (Read 2244 times)

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what ppe should I wear with piranha solution
« on: March 06, 2022, 05:38:33 PM »
hey I'm doing safety research for my piranha solution project along with normal research and. i need to know some good ppe what gloves I should wear and do I need clean air for deadly fumes please *delete me*

Offline wildfyr

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Re: what ppe should I wear with piranha solution
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2022, 08:52:23 PM »
Work in a hood, have a supply of water to throw on any spills, and wear a lab coat, goggles, and gloves. I would say this is safe up to about 1L of pirahna solution.

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