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Topic: Question concerning my statement of purpose  (Read 5857 times)

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Offline Ebbe Loos

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Question concerning my statement of purpose
« on: October 08, 2022, 04:11:22 PM »

This year I will finish my bachelor degree in Chemistry :) :) :). And let me tell you guys, i LOVE IT! Especially organic chemistry.

My current university (UHasselt) just annouced it's first master in chemistry: materiomics. This master brings the world of chemist and physist together to discuss current interdisciplinair challenges. So it's mostly like this combination of theoretical chemistry and physics.

Although it clearly is the futur (since chosing one major is kinda oldschool), I just don't like the fact I'll be needing to study physics to understand the master.

So I went online searching for universities which provided a master in organic chemistry, and that's when I found out about the university of Uppsala, do you guys know it? do you recommend it?

Anyway, I was wondering if someone might want to read my statement of purpose? I don't expect anything and any feedback is always welcome.


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Re: Question concerning my statement of purpose
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2022, 12:38:29 AM »
Which country you are in. Hasselt is in Netherlands and Uppsala is in Sweden, if I am right. Consider not every lesson is hold in english.
I would stay in the country where I am in.

Offline Ebbe Loos

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Re: Question concerning my statement of purpose
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2022, 09:05:51 AM »
Which country you are in. Hasselt is in Netherlands and Uppsala is in Sweden, if I am right. Consider not every lesson is hold in english.
I would stay in the country where I am in.

Hi Hunter, thanks for the respons!

I currently live in Belgium! But i'm wondering if i should study in Sweden since it's great for my academic carreer. :)

What do you think?

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Re: Question concerning my statement of purpose
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2022, 09:16:50 AM »
To get expierence in other countries is everytime an advantage for carrier. My concern is only the spoken language  if its different from English.
Or do you speak fluent Swedish.

Offline Ebbe Loos

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Re: Question concerning my statement of purpose
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2022, 09:32:00 AM »
To get expierence in other countries is everytime an advantage for carrier. My concern is only the spoken language  if its different from English.
Or do you speak fluent Swedish.

No, i don't speak Swedish :/. I've heard that it is quiet similar to Dutch, but i dont take that for granted. Ill have to find my way in Uppsala by speaking english

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