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Offline gumusonur

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« on: November 07, 2022, 01:11:22 PM »
Hello there,

I'm doing a master's degree in analytical chemistry and also working in a private company. Since there were not enough courses offered, I had to take courses from the Department of Chemical Engineering and could not go to the course due to work. unfortunately i have no idea and things i never knew before. They expect an answer to these questions from me within two days. I am trying to research and learn on the internet, but I have very little time. if anyone has any ideas can you write something? at least some clues. Believe me, I am in a very difficult situation.
Even if you scribble something, it is important to me. I'm sure they are simple questions for many people but very difficult for me.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Offline Enthalpy

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« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2022, 07:13:24 PM »
Question 2: PS is a brittle polymer, that's why users generally prefer copolymers like ABS and SAN. ABS offers much plastic deformation before it breaks. I didn't try SAN. You could check some datasheets for SAN and ABS, especially the "elongation at break", possibly the tensile strength too, to draw curves that compare this behaviour.

Question 3: the general idea is that stress alone doesn't make the plastic deformation. Heat provides the energy, and when by chance much energy is concentrated at one place, stress can break some bonds, often intermolecular ones. The hotter, the more often this happens. So the frequency of the oscillating deformation where losses are highest increases with the temperature. Keyword viscoelastic behaviour, it's often measured in torsion.

While I've already seen such temperature-frequency curves, or even temperature-frequency-losses curves, I didn't know there were some analytical relation with Tg, the glass transition temperature.

Offline gumusonur

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« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2022, 12:10:32 AM »
thanks for reply. ı dont know what can i do.

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