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Topic: Sodium alkoxide/sodium triflate reaction?  (Read 2856 times)

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Sodium alkoxide/sodium triflate reaction?
« on: July 09, 2009, 12:10:10 PM »
Alright, inorganic chemist here needing some organic insight.

OK, I'm making sodium neo-pentoxide with sodium metal and the alcohol for a lanthanide oxo-alkoxide reaction. I need sodium triflate to precipitate out some excess chloride and provide some triflate as a counter anion. Whenever I make the alkoxide in the presence of sodium triflate or add the alkoxide to the triflate, the solution turns brown. I'm doing everything in THF. In fact, a brown precipitate will form if I let it react long enough. The sodium triflate in solution is colorless, and the alkoxide solution is colorless. Only together are they brown. What could be happening here? I read somewhere that alkly triflates catalyze the ring opening polymerization of THF, but I don't have any alkyl triflates.

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