June 05, 2024, 06:02:51 AM
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Topic: Alfred-Price Q-e value copolymerization parameters from r - values  (Read 3987 times)

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Offline wuschel

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Topic: Estimation of Copolymerisation from kinetic measurements.

I am facing a problem regarding the calculation of Q-e values from kineticelly measured r values. The problem lies in the estimation of the polarity value e1. It can be calculated by equation (3), which is derived from equation (2) and (1):

(1) r1 = Q1/Q2 * exp (-e1(e1-e2)
(2) r2 = Q2/Q1 * exp (-e2(e2-e1)

(3) e1 = e2 +/- [-ln (r1*r2)]^(1/2)

As You can see, the square root in eq. 3 gives two results for the polarity parameter e1 instead of one.

The way how the equations are derived is correct. It is just the physical interpretation that is a mystery to me right now. Should I take both values, and try to use them in a median and do an additonal error calculation?

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