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Topic: Chemical physics PhD questions  (Read 3084 times)

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Chemical physics PhD questions
« on: November 04, 2012, 11:37:15 AM »
For those of you who have experience with these programs, I have some questions.
How competitive are they generally? They don't seem like they get a lot of applicants.
Is it a bad idea to ONLY apply to chemical physics programs as a chemistry major? There are 5 schools I know of with chemical physics PhD programs. Is it pushing my luck to apply only to these 5 for graduate school?
My physics background is not as great as a physics major - only advance classical and quantum mechanics courses and 2 summers of biophysics research. Will this hurt me if I'm willing to learn what I've missed out on (statistical mechanics and electromagnetism and optics)? Will they let you make up for a lack of physics courses in graduate school?
Do they favor physics majors over chemistry majors?

Thanks for any answers.

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