June 10, 2024, 09:30:59 AM
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Topic: Design an experiment you could carry out to test the hypothesis that changing...  (Read 2493 times)

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Offline Courtney22132

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"Design an experiment you could carry out to test the hypothesis that changing the catalyst has no effect on the production of biodiesel."

Your design must include the following parts:
•   statement of problem being investigated
•   list of variables with each identified as manipulated, controlled, or responding
description of how the experiment will be conducted
•   description of how certain variables are controlled during the experiment
•   identification of how you will determine a “result” in this experiment
•   description of the experimental control for this investigation.
•   description of how data collected from the experiment would be used to answer the research problem posed.

This is not an ACTUAL experiment. It will be made on paper… I am bit a stumped right now about how to begin this.

Offline Arkcon

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You will have to start somewhere.  You will have to at least find the reaction that produces biodiesel, and the catalysts that are involved. The other parts may begin to fall into place for you after you have that.  Or at least, begin to give you ideas.  What do you think?
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

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