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Topic: About reporting of N-H, O-H in 1H NMR  (Read 2856 times)

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Offline kamiyu

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About reporting of N-H, O-H in 1H NMR
« on: August 08, 2014, 01:26:16 AM »
I am writing a paper. I wonder if I have to report the ppm shift of N-H and O-H in the 1H NMR section?? The chemical shift is subject to change..

For example, I have a compound contains 9-H carbaozle and the 9-H appears at 11.73 in DMSO. So I have to report it?

How about alochol OH??


Offline clarkstill

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Re: About reporting of N-H, O-H in 1H NMR
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2014, 01:39:59 AM »
If you can see it you should report it. Why wouldn't you?

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