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Topic: Calculating first virial coefficient for a gas equation of state  (Read 2479 times)

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I need to solve the following problem:

And I have already solved part a. (using graphical integration and the deffinition of ln[fugacity coefficient]), and the first question in part b., which is to show that the limit of (v-videal) when P falls to zero equals B(T).
This last one is done just taking into account that when P->0, then V->Videal, and then is easily solvable.

But then the porblem asks to compute a numerical value for this virial coefficient B(T), but I do not even know how to start. I do not see how can it be calculated from the data of the table.

Any help would be really appreciated.
I know the rules of the forum, and I never ask anything to be solved ASAP, but I am in a real hurry with this, and since I almost completed the whole exercise, I hope there is no problem.

Thank you in advance.

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Re: Calculating first virial coefficient for a gas equation of state
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2014, 02:47:16 PM »
Maybe I'm missing something here but why don't you just assume C(T)/V2 is very small (i.e., zero), then either (1) solve your expression for B(T), put in your temperature, and calculate B as a function of each pair of (V,P) data or, better, (2) solve for either P or V and plot as a function of the other variable, then do a fit to a reasonable polynomial function with B as a fitting parameter. (1) is easier. (2) probably is a better way to do it.
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