A number of corrosive chemicals are used in house cleaning that all finish their useful file in the drainage piping. Such corrosive chemicals are HCl for the WC, KOH and NaOH for the washbasin, ammoniac solutions for the floor and NaClO for disinfection, together with large amounts of surfactants. Consequently, the drainage pipes must be resistant to these corrosive chemicals.
Besides, specific natural products and natural metabolites can destroy various plastics or at least, deteriorate their mechanical properties, under daily contact in the piping curves. As a few indicative examples: polyesters are not resistant to catabolic amines and urea, epoxy resins are not resistant to lactic acid, polyurethanes are not resistant to fats and vegetable oils, polyolefins are not resistant to long term contact with concentrated nonionic surfactants, etc. Thus, low plasticizer content PVC that is one of the most chemicals resistant materials can resist for a long, to all above and can be the choice material for house drainage piping, at a reasonable cost. A thicker modification of lower plasticizer content is used for chemistry, industrial and heavy duty applications.