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Topic: IS there a quick way to see all the threads I made?  (Read 4319 times)

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Offline bubblegumpi

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IS there a quick way to see all the threads I made?
« on: December 03, 2018, 08:17:08 AM »
On some forums there is a button you click that shows all the threads you started in chronological order. There is also a function "Show replies to your posts" where one click and all the threads you posted in are displayed and you can easily track your questions and conversations.

How do you do that here?

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Offline mjc123

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Re: IS there a quick way to see all the threads I made?
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2018, 10:14:50 AM »
Click on "profile" at the top of the page. Click "Show posts", and "Topics" to see the threads you have started.

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