So you're actually saying that deriving equations, solving differential equations, proving relations, and working out solutions are similar to memorizing the common names of carbon compounds in Organic Chemistry. There's interesting , I must say, and your logic seems to be very similar to the Medical students'
No memorizing common names of carbon compounds is the same as say, memorizing the definitions of enthalpy of formation and all that jazz.
Deriving equations, solving differential equations, proving relations, and working out solutions would be on the same level as an organic chemistry being shown a drug proposed by some fancy computer program which has never been seen before, and through reterosynthetic analysis be able to come up with a twenty step synthesis to make it. Organic chemists don’t have to learn compounds names, if you had two organic chemists one would be able to look at a brand new compound for the first time and give the other one a name so that he could understand the structure exactly.
I’m just saying, your in your first year and probably haven’t had much organic experience, in which case it’s a bit of a strong statement to say that organic chemistry is the lowest form of scientific level. It may be in the first year but you should give it more of a chance. Physical chemistry (I known you didn’t mention it in particular, I just assumed) isn’t a get a great deal harder in the last year as it is in the first, organic chemistry does get harder.
Btw, I’m not organic chemist, probally more into physical chem

i just like a good debate. At the end of the day it's each to there own.