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Other Sciences Question Forum / Shimadzu QP5050A software?
« Last post by ifd3f on Today at 06:33:39 PM »

I and a group of hobbyists have managed to acquire a used Shimadzu GC-17A and QP5000A GCMS unit from the mid-90s. Unfortunately, it didn't come with the PC software, so I'm wondering, does anyone have access to a copy of the PC software for it that we could examine and decompile?

We're currently trying to pull firmware off the device so that we can reverse engineer the protocol it uses, and write a driver for it able to run on a modern operating system, but having desktop-side software available would definitely make the process easier. If we do successfully reverse engineer it, we'll post what we've managed to get on GitHub.
Organic Chemistry Forum / Mass spectrum for 4-methoxybenzaldehyde
« Last post by Blank19rh on Today at 05:34:00 PM »
I have a mass spectrum for 4-methoxybenzaldehyde and have 2 fragment ion peaks at 107 and 92. It is an EI+ GCMS and I wanted to know what the fragment ion at 92 was and the mechanism to form that fragments. Thank you
Organic Chemistry Forum / Re: Degradation of aspartame at pH 8
« Last post by rolnor on Today at 04:19:14 PM »
Yes ninhydrin reacts with a lot of amino containing stuff.
Organic Chemistry Forum / Re: Degradation of aspartame at pH 8
« Last post by Babcock_Hall on Today at 10:33:36 AM »
The starting material, aspartame, has a free amino group and should be positive in a ninhydrin test.
It should not absorb strongly.  Its presence may change Rf values of other compounds, depending upon the solvent system.  I have sometimes thought about removing it from TLC samples, but I have not actually done so.
Physical Chemistry Forum / Salt solution separation
« Last post by roilaa on Today at 07:46:13 AM »
I have a solution containing approximately 200 g/L NaCl and 100 g/L KCl. I am trying to separate into the individual salts but without a huge energy input if possible. By chilling the solution the KCl should crystallise first, which should make it filterable but is there any easier way to do this?
Any help greatly appreciated.
Inorganic Chemistry Forum / Re: help
« Last post by Borek on Today at 02:59:09 AM »
Please read the forum rules, you have to show your efforts at answering the question to receive help.

Technically you should start by writing the reaction equation, after that calculations are rather easy.

That being said I am not convinced the obvious reaction that you can find here and there by googling is correct, my bet is that the process of thermal decomposition of KSCN is not something that follows a well defined, stoichiometric path, which makes the result of simple calculations unrealistic.
Inorganic Chemistry Forum / help
« Last post by Ethan1122664 on Today at 12:35:00 AM »
How much KCN can be produced by heating 10 grams of 99% pure KSCN at 500 degrees Celsius?
Analytical Chemistry Forum / Re: HOCL shelf life problem
« Last post by Borek on Yesterday at 05:08:24 PM »
Acidifying the solution is a sure way of speeding up the decomposition.

Buffers composition is typically calculated using Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, see examples here: https://www.chembuddy.com/buffers-composition-calculation
Analytical Chemistry Forum / Re: HOCL shelf life problem
« Last post by Hunter2 on Yesterday at 03:49:18 PM »
Hydrochloric will destroy immediately to chlorine.
HOCl + HCl => H2O + Cl2
For cleaner it's better to have NaOCl not the acid.
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